Surely's Wog

that means web log! click the box to read what i have to say
I Dinged a Car Door, I FEEL SO BAD!
Dumby Emoji

On my way back from watching a movie with my buddies i drove back home in the dark (i have terrible vision) when pulling into the parking spot i realized i was waaay to close to the neighboring car so i reversed and the mirror bumped the backseat door i managed to get the car parked correctly and left my number on the windshield so uhhhh oopsies. also it was my friends car :D

Almost Joined a Cult! Oopsies... (warning mentions of SA)
Dumby Emoji

i went to a new minustry in town to try to get more intune with my religous beliefs! its very hard to find churches or communities that dont have such biggoted and harmful idologies so after a while i stopped looking for them but after a semi exitential talk with a buddy of mine (thanks soul) i decided to look some more so anyways i went over to the building and met some vvery nice folks and i got free soda! after about 2 hours of chatting and card games i left after i heard a few masoganistic comments from some of the church goers when i came back home i searched them up and turns out the organizer guy is asex offender and uses "the word of god" to take advantage of vulnerable people. yuck glad i didnt see him

New Website! Now What?
Dumby Emoji

hello folks! uhhh honestly i dont know who would see this but if you do then welcome i hope you enjoy looking at the lack of litterally anything on this site! im still not to sure what to do with this i have a whole gallery section however im too nervous to post my art so uhhhh kind of redundant. also i have terrible grammar no i will not be fixing it you will just have to get used to it!